1. Tuition Fee waiver:

A)  Undergraduate Programs:

Percentage of waiverCriteria for Tuition Fee Waiver
100% for English Medium studentsFive (5) A’s in the O-level and 1 A’s and 1 B’s in A-level Exams. However, for students admitted in Engineering Programs, students must have ‘B’ either in Physics or Mathematics in A-Level exams.
50% for the students of English and Bangla Medium or equivalent public exams.Five (5) A’s in the O-level and 2 ‘B’ in A-level Exams. *OrHSC GPA 5.00 (without 4th subject) or equivalent public exams.
25% for the students of English and Bangla Medium or equivalent public exams.Four (4) A’s in the O-level *OrHSC GPA 5.00 (with 4th subject) / or equivalent public exams.


1. Admittiees into any of the SoSE programs, in addition to the policy mentioned above, must have passed Physics and Mathematics in the A-level program.

2. For continuation of tuition fee waiver undergraduate students have to take 9 credits in each trimester (For BSc in Civil Engg. 13.5 credits, B. Pharm 14 credits and for BSSEDS/BSSMSJ 12 credits in each Semester) and also have to maintain CGPA 3.5 for availing such tuition fee waiver. For admission to BSEEE/CSE/BSc in Civil programs, students must have  Physics and Mathematics in HSC/A-Level exams.

B)  Graduate Programs:

1. GPA 3.50 on Scale of  4.00  & GPA 4.37 on Scale of 5.00 in HSC & above or equivalent level public exams: 25% Tuition Fee Waiver

2. For continuation of tuition fee waiver graduate students have to take 6 credits and also have to maintain CGPA 3.5 for availing such tuition fee waiver.

2. Scholarship:

1. In the undergraduate programs, top 10% students will be eligible to get 25% to 100% scholarship by taking at least 9 credit hours under the trimester system, 13.5 credits for BSc in Civil Engg., B. Pharm 14 credits and 12 credits for BSSEDS/BSSMSJ under the semester system and must achieve a trimester/semester GPA of 3.50.

2. In the graduate programs, top 10% students will also be eligible to get 25% to 100% scholarship by taking at least 6 credit hours and achieving trimester GPA of 3.50 as well. 

The following table displays the percentages of scholarship schemes (Effective from Summer 2023 trimester/Fall 2023 semester &  onwards).

Top 2% of the total students of a particular program (In order of merit)100% Scholarship for the corresponding Trimester/Semester
Next 4% (In order of merit)50% Scholarship for the corresponding Trimester/Semester
Next 4% (In order of merit)25% Scholarship for the corresponding Trimester/Semester

Note: Students who have admitted before Spring 2023 will receive the Scholarship based on previously defined scheme.

1. Undergraduate students of SOBE will be entitled for scholarship up to 12 credits (maximum) and those of SOSE (except Civil) up to 13 credits (maximum).  For BSc in Civil Engg. and BSSEDS It will be up to 18 credits and for B. Pharm it will be up to 20 credits. Masters students shall get scholarship depending of the course load of previous trimester and will not exceed 9 credits. Students will enjoy either tuition fee waiver or scholarship, the one which benefits him/her most.  

2.  Students will enjoy either tuition fee waiver or scholarship, the one which benefits him/her most. 

C) 100% Tuition Fee and Other Fees Waiver for Meritorious and Poor Students of Underdeveloped Regions of Bangladesh:

Top 3% of the total admitted students in a particular trimester/semester who are meritorious and poor and come from the underdeveloped upazilas of Bangladesh, as determined by the Government of Bangladesh from time to time, will be awarded this scholarship (conditions apply). A student, who receives this scholarship, will be waived from all tuition and other fees except admission fee, ID card fee and retake course(s) fees. Upon selection, he/she will continue to get the waiver till they obtain their degree, subject to the condition that s/he obtains a minimum GPA of 2.5 in a particular trimester/semester for becoming eligible to get 100% Tuition and Other Fees Waiver in the following trimester/semester.

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